An asynchronous endpoint when you need to enhance a large amount of images or when you don't need an immediate result. Use this endpoint for:

  • Most jobs, where you don't need the image as soon as it has been enhanced
  • Bulk processing of a large amount of images
  • Freeing up threads during runtime while using the API
  • Running jobs which require status update polling

Returns process_id and eta to use as an efficient way to track the progress of the image enhancement job:

  • Use the Status endpoints to check the status of this job using the returned process_id.
  • Use the Download endpoint to download the processed image once it is ready.
  • Use the Cancel endpoint to cancel the job while it is in progress.

The same process_id and eta are also returned in the response headers as X-Process-Id and X-ETA respectively.

The eta represents when the job is expected to finish in Unix time. We recommend using this to know when you can expect your (bulk) jobs to finish processing.

Output dimensions of 256 megapixels is the maximum supported. The Recovery model has an additional limit of 16 megapixels as input dimensions.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!