Getting Started


To learn more about the details behind our AI models and capabilities, reference our desktop software application documentation below:


You will need a Topaz API key in order to make requests to this API. Make sure you never share your API key with anyone, and you never commit it to a public repository.

Once you have your API key, set it as the X-API-Key header of your requests.

Please contact support if any assistance is needed.

Please visit to get started with an API key if you have not already.

API Workflow

Here’s how to enhance your video using the API:

  • Create a Request: Use POST /video/ to define the video source, desired filters, and output specifications. This step returns an estimated cost and processing time.
  • Accept the Request: Confirm the job by calling PATCH /video/{requestId}/accept to reserve credits and receive signed upload URLs.
  • Upload the Video: Upload the video in parts using the provided URLs.
  • Complete Upload: Finalize the upload with PATCH /video/{requestId}/complete-upload/ to queue the job.
  • Check Status: Track progress via GET /video/{requestId}/status.
  • Download Enhanced Video: Once complete, download the processed video using a signed URL.